Water Resources and Civil Engineering
DES provides professional engineering, consulting, training, and technical services in the water resources field, with clients in the public and private sectors throughout Florida and the Southeast including public works and engineering departments of local government agencies, water supply and stormwater utilities, water management districts, private industry, and agriculture.

"As stormwater management has evolved into a more complex science, DES has developed services to better assist managers to design, construct and operate their facilities."

As stormwater management has evolved into a more complex science, DES has developed data collection, modeling, analysis, planning and monitoring services, as well as, permitting services, to better assist managers in their efforts to design, construct and operate facilities. Typical stormwater management services that we provide include:
​• Storm event modeling and analysis
• Stormwater management master planning
• Annual pollutant loading analysis
• Best Management Practices (BMP) evaluations
• Erosion control planning and design
• Retention and detention pond design
• Seepage evaluations for pond systems
• Flow, stage and water quality monitoring
• Local, state and federal stormwater permitting
• NPDES monitoring and reporting
• Construction specifications and inspection
"DES has developed a range of watershed-based
services to help our public and private sector clients
achieve their management goals."
Many federal, state and local agencies have adopted a watershed-based approach to water resource management. In response, DES has developed a range of watershed services to help our public and private sector clients achieve their management goals (flood control, water supply, environmental resource permitting, etc.) while meeting the real challenge of protecting our valuable water resources. Typical watershed management services include:
​• Watershed modeling and analysis
• Multi-objective watershed planning
• Watershed-specific management criteria
• Surface and groundwater quality assessments
• Pollutant loading estimation and load reduction
• Lake and wetland hydroperiod evaluations
• Low-flow & intermittent stream determinations
• Floodplain studies and damage assessments
• Flood forecasting and evacuation plans
• Dam beak evaluation and contingency plans
• Reservoir siting and safe yield evaluations

"We design systems or system retrofits that allow
for cost-effective and sustainable stormwater
and watershed management while avoiding or
mitigating adverse impacts on the environment."

Analysis and Design
DES employs a wide variety of computational tools to evaluate water's occurrence, movement, and condition. We design systems that allow for cost-effective and sustainable water management while avoiding, reducing or mitigating adverse impacts on the environment. Here are a few instances where advanced technology was brought to bear on understanding, utilizing, and protecting this vital natural resource. In each case, DES employs a combination of off-the-shelf software, customized applications, and tailored utilities to accomplish the work.
​• Storm event hydrologic and hydrodynamic simulation
• Continuous integrated surface and groundwater modeling
• Stormwater pollutant loading and reduction analysis
• Groundwater, pumping, and draw-down impact analysis
• Water use and distribution system network analysis
• Agricultural consumptive use and storage of water
• Pond design, wave run-up, seepage, and evaporation
• Water budget/balance evaluation and planning
• Dam break, inundation, and emergency action planning
• Minimum flows, levels, storage, and augmentation
• Wetland hydroperiod and hydropattern modeling
• Rainfall, evaporation, and evapotranspiration analysis
We offer services in the following general areas.
Select a service area to read more and please contact us to let us know how we can assist you.