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Big Slough Flood Reduction Study


The Big Slough Flood Reduction Study is cooperatively funded by the City of North Port and Southwest Florida Water Management District. DES will evaluate feasibility and cost effectiveness of  solutions to reduce flooding in the City within the Big Slough Watershed.

The study will be performed in two distinct parts:


Part 1 is a concentrated effort to reduce flooding through implementing localized improvements within certain identified neighborhoods that are adjacent to the Myakkahatchee Creek at I-75 and at the Jockey Club.


Part 2 is a broader study which considers a regional approach to reduce flooding in other portions of the City.


Stormwater evaluations will employ a watershed model previously developed for the Big Slough Watershed Management Program project.


​More specifically, this study will:


Produce a conceptual plan for improvements covering multiple sites and facilities serving Myakkahatchee Creek at I-75 and at the Jockey Club


Submit a State-wide Environmental Resource Permit for Conceptual Approval of the plan for flood reduction


Evaluate & advance a set of BMP concepts to reduce flood risk in North Port on a regional scale


Produce a planning-level document describing a small number of regional projects which exhibit potential flood reduction benefits based upon screening-level evaluations


Produce a planning-level cost estimate that addresses additional (future) analyses as well as estimated costs for engineering design, environmental permitting, land and structure acquisition, construction, and other costs.

©2023 by DeLoach Engineering Science

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