PACE Anclote West Watershed
Model Development and Floodplain Delineation

The PACE study area is comprised of three watersheds: Pithlachascotee River, Anclote East of Suncoast, and Anclote West. DES was issued a task work authorization (TWA) to develop a watershed model, perform design storm simulations, and map floodplains for the Anclote West watershed.
The Anclote West watershed is a particularly important part of the PACE study area, as it: includes areas that are, historically, the most flood-prone of the three watersheds; is the site of flow exchange between the Cotee and Anclote Rivers during extreme floods; encompasses a rapidly growing area, including the SR 54 corridor (South Market Area, aka, Gateway Crossings) with its many planned developments: Mitchell Ranch, Western Hub, Trinity East, Starkey, Asturia, and Suncoast Crossings; and includes District-owned lands with potential storage for conservation and flood mitigation BMPs.

SWFWMD TWA No. 15TW-94 was issued to DES to perform Watershed Management Plan - Floodplain Analysis tasks in the Anclote West Watershed.
These tasks include
Model Parameterization,
Model Development,
Floodplain Delineation, and
Floodplain Open House
elements of the WMP.